Top 5 Ways To Improve Your Nonprofit’s Messaging On Social Media

Top 5 Ways To Improve Your Nonprofit’s Messaging On Social Media

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Marketing, Updated On
April 15th, 2024

Nonprofit organizations often fall behind technological changes or updates because most of the organization’s finances are fixed on a particular cause. As a result, updates and infrastructure cost money, and sometimes, updates are seen as luxuries and not necessities. For example, data management systems for nonprofits are necessities, but state-of-the-art computer systems are not.

One technological advantage that has emerged in the last couple of decades is social media platforms. These platforms are cheap and provide direct access to a donor pool, which is attractive for nonprofits. However, to take advantage of social media, a nonprofit must ensure the success of its messaging. There are at least five ways to improve your social media messaging.

Top 5 Ways To Improve Your Nonprofit’s Messaging On Social Media

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Curate Posts That Create Awareness for Your Cause

While Salesforce donation management is crucial to any nonprofit’s success, it does little to boost interest in your social following. Curating social media posts is one way to draw more eyes to your cause and more potential dollars into your system.

Curating is a fancy way of saying you need to “like” posts or point your followers to a post. When your organization likes a post, it can also draw people’s attention to the original post. However, focus on selecting posts that relate to your nonprofit mission because this helps create awareness of your cause.

For example, check out this social media post from ekplatebiryani, a nonprofit organization promoting its charity drive. In their Facebook post, they discuss the importance of charity and link to their blog post on charity. This is an excellent approach for promoting the cause of your NGO and directing people to your website. 


Share the Impact of Your Organization

While nonprofits need to remain focused on the mission and technical aspects of running an organization, like Blackbaud integration, it is also vital to bring attention to how your organization affects change when managing a social media presence. Posting about projects, missions, or investments can help gain attention, and when those posts are shared, the nonprofit potentially earns more donors.

Share Concerns of Your Cause

A social media platform is also a place to spotlight issues that matter to your nonprofit. Social media managers can repost news stories pertinent to the organization or make statements about societal issues. However, be careful not to deviate too far from the organization’s core purpose.

Maintain Your Brand Voice

Donors are comfortable giving to nonprofits with unified messaging. When an organization can maintain its values through its messaging, it is easy for people to get behind it. Unfortunately, it is easy to make mistakes on social media. One-off comment or repost of a controversial story, and the brand takes a hit. Unfortunately, hits can also result in the loss of donors who feel blindsided. Your messaging needs to be managed and overseen to avoid any potential missteps.

Measure Performance

Like everything in business, social media performance can be measured. You can tell how well a social media campaign is doing by looking at the number of subscribers or “friends.” You can also tell if your strategy is working by looking at the number of new donors. As with any other strategy, social media requires constant work and tweaking.

Are you ready to dive into social media? Talk to a nonprofit donor specialist to understand the best way to integrate social media strategies.

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